Saturday 24 March 2007

My second post - Saturday news

It is great that I have time and will to make my second post here. Actually, I must to post quite often, because I am the "owner".

I have read the news today and the most "popular" topics were about the list of the candidates for the European Parliament of the two parties in Bulgaria. The socialists (known as Bulgarian Socialist Party) and the members of the Tzarist party (National Movement Simeon the Second) chose their men and women who are some kind of the new faces of their parties. The Prime Minister Stanishev, leader of the BSP, said that his pary is aimed at at least six seats in the EP of all 18 for Bulgaria. Tzarists didn't mention any concrete goal but the fair and honourable election performance.
Early this week SEDB (GERB), Boyko Borissov's party, the democrats from UDF announced their candidates - the freshmen and freshwomen prevail in both lists.

The fresh faces are some kind of test for all parties for their will to impose the new people in the public opinion. The will show wheather the party is being recognized of the electorate and wheather the electorate like the new faces of their party. It is somekind of mutual exercise. On one hand the candidates have to impose to the public (both people and media) their political attitude in a strange campaign, on the other - the party people have to discover if the candidates fit to their party stereotype. It is some kind odd interaction which always goes when an election campaign comes.

Everybody says that the first for Bulgaria EP elections will look like every other election in EU. Their features are low activity, both old and forgotten or young and unknown politicians, no serious damage if a party fails. I suppose it will be quite different in Bulgaria.
The raice will be fearest for some and a disastrous for others. Who might be the winners?

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