Friday 13 April 2007

My job

The reason for not writing was that as a freshman in blogging I was turned on the button that allows to write in Hindi. So, everything that I typed turned into Hindi which was not satisfying to me.

Today I checked the blog I now I can write in my plain English.

It was the week after Easter in most of the Christian world. Bulgaria was no exeption. My colleagues and I were fresh enough to work some how, some of them were on vacation, so the office was pretty quiet. Drafting official letters, sending e-mails and performing the "fetish", as our Boss named the tradition of going for a bite in a group, were the main activities here.

I work in Bulgaria Economic Forum ( - it is a NGO, association which is one of the best organizations in the event management business in Bulgaria. I started a year ago at the position of Editor-in-Chief of the magazine that is published by BEF. Actually, the magazine is part of the information platform of the organization and it supports the main event of the organization - the Southeast Europe Economic Forum ( .

The magazine has a name as well: The Region The Southeast Europe Business Magazine. As its name implies it is focused on the most important economic, business and political events and projects in the Southeast part of Europe.
As you probably know the concept "Southeast Europe" has a short usage. It wasn't popular before the wars on the Balkans. After the last war ended, some European politician propose the region to be refered as SEE, not as Balkans, because the later has a negative meanning and implication. (It is because of the wars, but also because the medii which used to point were the conflicts are.)

In the early Autumn of 2006 Alexander Zaykov, BEF programme director, quit because his wife, they were merried for less than six months then, got a position in Maersk, the logistic company, branch in Mumbai, India. It was one of the best decision of a husband made ever, I think. So, the position was vacant. I had some thoughts that my Boss will offer it to me. That day came and now I am trying to cope with both the programme of the events which we organize and with the magazine.

Our next event will be the Economic Forum Maritsa. It will be in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It will be my first and I do hope that it will be well organized, with plenty of satified guests, speakers and sponsors.
I will write later about that.

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